Assessing an <em>in vitro</em> model of cultured patient-derived xenografts for predicting treatment response<em> in vivo</em> — ASN Events

Assessing an in vitro model of cultured patient-derived xenografts for predicting treatment response in vivo (#127)

Mawar M Karsa 1 , Michelle Haber 1 , Murray D Norris 1 , Rosemary Sutton 1 , Richard B Lock 1 , Michelle J Henderson 1 , Moira Doolan 1 , Jennifer Richmond 1
  1. Children's Cancer Institute, Randwick, NSW, Australia

Non-obese diabetic-severe combined immunodeficiency (NOD/SCID) mice bearing patient-derived xenografts (PDX) represent highly relevant models for evaluating novel therapeutic approaches1,2. However the expense and time frame of these experiments requires prioritisation of agents for testing. An in vitro system that mimics in vivo response would facilitate prioritisation of agents and may also provide an in vitro tool to predict individual patient responses in a timely fashion.

            The curaxin CBL0137, a novel compound that activates p53 and suppresses NFκB protein activity in cancer cells, has entered clinical trials for adult cancers. Recently, the Paediatric Pre-Clinical Testing Program observed potency of CBL0137 in the NOD/SCID mouse model amongst a panel of PDX derived from children with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL), with individual PDX showing differing degrees of response. However subsequent analyses of the same panel by in vitro cytotoxicity assays failed to show a correlation with in vivo response. A potential source of discrepancy is the influence of bone marrow (BM) microenvironment on the proliferation, maintenance and survival of leukaemia cells, and protection against cytotoxic drugs3.

            To develop an in vitro model for co-culture of childhood ALL cells and BM stromal cells, several PDX cell lines were cultured in the presence of GFP-tagged human mesenchymal stromal cells, MSC-hTERT, and viability was tested over 72 hours by measuring 7AAD stain through flow cytometry. Compared to PDX cells cultured alone, the proportion of viable cells increased by up to 5-fold when co-cultured with MSC. Notably, PDX cells co-cultured with MSC were less susceptible to CBL0137 than PDX in mono-culture, with over 3-fold difference in IC50. These data suggest that CBL0137 sensitivity might be influenced by the BM microenvironment. Further investigations across a panel of PDX will determine whether a BM co-culture model more accurately reflects in vivo CBL0137 response. 

  1. Jones DL and Wagers AJ. No place like home: Anatomy and function of the stem cell niche. Nature Reviews 2008; 9: 11-21.
  2. Mihara K, Imai C, Coustan-Smith E, Dome JS, Dominici M, Vanin E and Campana D. Development and functional characterization of human bone marrow mesenchymal cells immortalized by enforced expression of telomerase. British Journal of Haematology 2003; 120: 846-849.
  3. Mudry RE, Fortney JE, York T, Hall BM and Gibson LF. Stromal cells regulate survival of B-lineage leukemic cells during chemotherapy. Neoplasia 2000; 96: 1926-1932.
  4. Sison EAR, Rau RE, McIntyre E, Li L, Small D and Brown P. MLL-rearranged acute lymphoblastic leukaemia stem cell interactions with bone marrow stroma promote survival and therapeutic resistance that can be overcome with CXCR4 antagonism. British Journal of Haematology 2013; 160: 785-797.
  5. Tesfai Y, Foord J, Carter KW, Firth MJ, O’Leary RA, Gottardo NG, Cole C and Kees UK. Interactions between acute lymphoblastic leukemia and bone marrow stromal cells influence response to therapy. Leukemia Research 2012; 36: 299-306.